2017 10 global zoom 04117

Mia Sota shares her feelings on becoming the Gold winner in the Partner Category at Global Zoom 2017

"Winning Color Zoom is extremely surreal. The majority of my career I have been specializing in cutting and styling, but I've always enjoyed drawing and painting, so I decided to start experimenting with color in the last couple of years on my creative projects. I am in no way a color expert... at least yet, ha ha, but winning Gold in the Partner Category for Color Zoom definitely taught me that it's always worth it to try new things even if you're scared of it, even if you think you're going to fail miserably and embarrass yourself. If you map out a plan carefully, work diligently and surround yourself with positive people who believe in you... the outcome will be far better than what you anticipated.

I must say though, I was not at all expecting to hear my name during the announcement of winners. I purposefully never looked at/researched other country finalists images before the competition because not only did I not want to add more stress on myself, I'm usually my only competition so why compare? So when I saw everybody's work for the first time on the competition floor, it truly blew me away to see all that talent and creativity in one room. I just saw so many amazing works, I didn't think my name would be up there.

I am extremely grateful, but still in disbelief and trying to soak it all in!!"

-Mio Sota

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